Tricksters in myth and folktale have long charmed us with their creativity, spontaneity, and intimacy with the dynamics of chance. And yet, in tale after tale, we encounter the most unsavory aspects of this character. Driven by appetite, tricksters lie, thieve, and act rude, crude, lewd, and completely self-centered. Not known for either empathy or self-reflection, the Trickster never seems to learn from consequences, ever blundering from one scrape to the next. Still, despite Trickster’s flawed character, we remain entranced.
One reason might be that we see a bit of the trickster in ourselves – but also, as Joseph Campbell tells Bill Moyers, because “the imagery of mythology is rendered with humor” (The Power of Myth, 276). Trickster makes us laugh.
A trickster myth
The !Kung people in the Kalahari tell a tale about Jackal out hunting one day, when he comes across Lion’s house. Jackal asks Lion’s wife where her husband is. She haughtily replies that her husband, a great leader, would have nothing to do with the likes of him. Jackal shrugs off the insult and informs Lady Lion, “Your husband is my servant.”
When Lion arrives home, he gets an earful; he promises his wife he’ll teach Jackal to respect his betters and goes hunting for the rogue. Eventually, Lion finds him napping under a bush, shakes him awake, and orders the rapscallion to follow him home — but Jackal feigns blindness, telling Lion he had earlier only accidentally stumbled across his house. Impatient, Lion growls, “Well, then I’ll carry you,” and helps Jackal climb onto his back.
But Jackal has hidden away hornets and bees that he releases as they near Lion’s house, which then attack his regal mount. Lion’s wife hears a ruckus, rushes outside, and sees her husband racing past, with Jackal, astride his back, lashing him with a whip and shouting, “Faster, you knave, faster!” Spying Lion’s wife, Jackal calls out, “Your husband would have nothing to do with me? And yet, you see, he is my servant!”
In indigenous cultures, the Trickster is often depicted in animal form. But it’s not unusual to find these same images surfacing in popular media today.
Trickster times two
The Jackal, as an icon for the Trickster, plays a central role in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, a lighthearted 1988 comedy directed by Frank Oz. (WARNING: Here be spoilers!)
Lawrence Jamieson (Michael Caine) is a suave, sophisticated Englishman living on an elegant estate in the charming French Riviera town of Beaumont-sur-Mer. With the help of the corrupt Inspector Andre, he poses as an exiled royal to swindle rich, decadent, unsophisticated tourists out of significant sums under the guise of supporting the liberation of his homeland.
After a visit to his Swiss bank account, an amused Jamieson observes Freddy Benson (Steve Martin), a loud, vulgar American, scamming an attractive young woman out of a free meal. Benson later mistakes Michael Caine’s character for a dull, domesticated husband, and boasts to the older man about how he cons women out of relatively small amounts of money.
Enter the jackal
The following morning, Inspector Andre informs Jamieson that an unknown American con artist, nicknamed “the Jackal,” has been fleecing tourists on the Riviera. Worried “a poacher who shoots at rabbits may scare big game away,” Jamieson arranges a phony arrest; as the only person in town whom Freddy knows, Jamieson “persuades” Inspector Andre to release him, and puts Freddy on a plane back to the U.S.
Things take a turn during the flight when another passenger lets slip that she, too, knows “the prince.” Realizing he has been outwitted, the brash young American shows up at Jamieson’s estate begging to be tutored.
There follows a series of playful, amusing vignettes. Freddy, however, chafing under Jamieson’s discipline, eventually decides to strike out on his own. As there’s not enough room for both to work Beaumont-sur-Mer, they strike a wager: the first to extract $50,000 from an agreed-upon dupe wins, with the loser leaving town.
Their target? The just arrived U.S. soap queen, Janet Colgate (Glenne Headley), a young, well-dressed, doe-eyed heiress from the Midwest.
Freddy poses as a disabled Naval officer; he confides to Janet that he can only be cured by Dr. Emil Schaffhausen, who charges $50,000. Jamieson then convinces Janet, who is developing feelings for Freddy, that he is the renowned psychiatrist and agrees to take the case – on the condition she pay the fee directly to him.
So begins a delicate dance. As neither can expose his rival without dropping his own mask, each takes turns turning the tables on the other; this results in much frustration for the protagonists, and much merriment for the filmgoer – until Jamieson learns the innocent and naïve Janet is no heiress, but rather the winner of a soap company contest. He tries to call off the bet, but Freddy insists they instead make Janet the prize: if Freddy can seduce her, he wins.
Hilarious hijinks ensue. Jamieson eventually learns a “cured” Freddy has spent the night with Janet. Prepared to accept his loss to the Jackal, he is surprised when Janet appears in tears; after a night of passion, Freddy has disappeared, along with her jewelry, the cash prize, and more.
No spoilers as to how the situation is resolved: suffice to say there remain laughs and a reveal or two to come.
Trickster motifs in play
The debt the film owes to Trickster symbolism is clear, reflected in one of Inspector Andre’s observations: “Perhaps the Jackal realizes he is no match for the Lion.” The mythic Trickster is associated with gambling, so it’s no surprise the major cons in this film all begin at the roulette table, or that the ultimate outcome rides on a wager.
Double the tricksters allows for a wider range of trickster traits. While Lawrence Jamieson embodies the charm and noble carriage associated with trickster figures in the myths of later cultures, Freddy Benson channels many of the baser qualities exhibited by tricksters in pre-literate traditions: greed, an obsession with sex, and, when posing as Ruprecht (the younger brother of Jamieson’s prince), the crude, scatological humor common to Coyote and others.
Much like the traditional figures of Raven and Coyote in Native American myths, Freddy gives no thought to the consequences of his misbehavior, which explains much of his success. Compassion, after all, is the Trickster’s kryptonite: once Jamieson sees Janet not as an “Other” (one of a series of silly, superficial, interchangeable, and undeservedly wealthy women), but a “Thou” (an individual and authentic human being), he loses his edge.
The trickster within
In his essay, “On the Psychology of the Trickster Figure,” in The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Carl Jung declares, “All mythical figures correspond to inner psychic experiences and originally sprang from them” (256). The Trickster mirrors shadow qualities; Jung, nevertheless, stresses this figure is by no means the face of evil.
Meeting the Trickster, whether in myths or at the movies, reveals something about ourselves. We laugh at the characters in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels because those same tendencies, however exaggerated, resonate with our own experience. We can see the consequences of such behavior on the screen, even if we haven’t always been cognizant of these energies as they play out in our own lives. The greater that awareness, the less power we cede these otherwise unconscious aspects of the psyche.
The Trickster mirrors shadow qualities; Jung, nevertheless, stresses this figure is by no means the face of evil.
But these figures also mirror positive shadow traits. Like their mythical counterparts, Lawrence Jamieson and Freddy Benson are inventive, playful, persistent, optimistic, and resilient in the face of the unexpected. As my colleague, Joanna Gardner, points out, these same qualities are essential to the creative process:
Trickster can return to us our inner flame, the sparks that sometimes sputter out along the way, the embers of personal creativity and world-making. (Joanna Gardner, Ph.D., “In the Company of Coyote,” The Practice of Enchantment)
Of course, the primary objective of this film is to entertain and make us laugh. I doubt viewers experience any life-changing illumination as the credits roll . . . apart from the insight that one should never, ever, underestimate the Jackal.
MythBlast authored by:

Stephen Gerringer has been a Working Associate at the Joseph Campbell Foundation (JCF) since 2004. His post-college career trajectory interrupted when a major health crisis prompted a deep inward turn, Stephen “dropped out” and spent most of the next decade on the road, thumbing his away across the country on his own hero quest. Stephen did eventually “drop back in,” accepting a position teaching English and Literature in junior high school. Stephen is the author of Myth and Modern Living: A Practical Campbell Compendium, as well as editor of Myth and Meaning: Conversations on Mythology and Life, a volume compiled from little-known print and audio interviews with Joseph Campbell.
This MythBlast was inspired by Creative Mythology and the archetype of The Trickster.
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Enuma Okoro, is a Nigerian-American author, essayist, curator and lecturer. She is a weekend columnist for The Financial Times where she writes the column, “The Art of Life,” about art, culture and how we live. And is the curator of the 2024 group exhibition, “The Flesh of the Earth,” at Hauser & Wirth gallery in Chelsea, New York. Her broader research and writing interests reflect how the intersection of the arts and critical theory, philosophy and contemplative spirituality, and ecology and non-traditional knowledge systems can speak to the human condition and interrogate how we live with ourselves and others. Her fiction and poetry are published in anthologies, and her nonfiction essays and articles have been featured in The New York Times, The Financial Times, Aeon, Vogue, The Erotic Review, The Cut, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s Bazaar, NYU Washington Review, The Guardian, The Washington Post, and more. Her Substack, "A Little Heart to Heart" is a labyrinth towards interiority, exploring the fine line between the sacred and the ordinary in our daily lives. Find it at Enuma.substack.com and learn more about Enuma at www.enumaokoro.com. In this conversation, we explore Enuma’s journey, the ways myth, art, and storytelling shape us, and how we can use them as tools to reimagine both our personal and collective realities.
This Week's Highlights
"The trickster hero represents all these possibilities of life that your mind hasn’t decided it wants to deal with. The mind structures a lifestyle, and the fool or trickster represents another whole range of possibilities."
-- Joseph Campbell