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The Inner Reaches of Outer Space eBook

  • Description

    Joseph Campbell explores the Space Age in this expansive work. He posits that the laws of outer space are actually within us as well, and that a new mythology is implicit in that realization. But what is this new mythology? How can we recognize it? Campbell explores these questions in the concluding essay, “The Way of Art,” in which he demonstrates that metaphor is the language of art and argues that within the psyches of today’s artists are the seeds of tomorrow’s mythologies.

  • This product is an ebook

    To purchase a physical copy of this book, visit, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

  • Quotes from the book

    "Our eyes are the eyes of the earth. Our knowledge is the earth’s knowledge."

    "As viewed by astronauts from the moon, the Earth lacks those lines of sociopolitical division that are so prominent on maps. And as recognized here below, the web of interlacing socioeconomic dependencies that now enfolds the planet is of one life. All that is required is a general change of vision to accord with these contemporary facts. And that this will occur is certain. It is, in fact, already occurring. Moreover, the vision required is nothing new, nor unnatural. What are unnatural, artificial, and contrived, are the separations."

    "In the way of nature one may experience, from time to time, glimpses of the world in this [transcendent] light — after the pelvic bioenergetic commitments have been honored and fulfilled, so that, freed from the dictatorship of the species, one is released to live as an individual (some little time, say, after the age of about thirty-five)."

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